Saturday, November 7, 2009

blog # 31 Theme eating behavior:prevent binge eating for thanksgiving and the holidays

Thanksgiving is around the corner and most of us dont have just one thanksgiving dinner but
3 or 4 and theres always leftovers too!

I have heard from numerous people that "I will just starve myself a few days before thanksgiving or after," but that is BAD NEWS!

Whats my advise? PREVENT BINGE EATING !

what is binge eating actually?
eating, in a discrete period of time, an amount of food that is definitely larger than most people would eat during a similar period of time. Depression and anxiety over the holidays can exacerbate this behavior.

binge eating disorder (BED)
A disorder characterized by the occurance of binge eating episodes at least twice a week for a 6-month period.

how do you stop/control this?:
space out your meals (every three hours)
portion control
avoid temptations
eat breakfast!!!
talk to someone...get some help

When presented with a large amount of food pace yourself and stop when you are full. Read more about bing eating


Extremely Average In AZ said...

I really like that you chose the trashiest dining room table-thanksgiving picture you could find. I bet nobody is at the table because they are outside drinking Boones Farm and chain smoking.

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