Saturday, October 17, 2009

blog #14 calcium from non milk sources!

Many of my clients dont consume milk for reasons like:

lactose intolerant

vegan or

some strict vegetarian practices

Calcium isnt just derived from milk and milk products!!

Other excellent sources of calcium:




Collard greens


Turnip greens



White beans

Baked beans



Brussel sprouts

Sesame seeds

Bok choy













Over 50


One kiwi contains a full day's Recommended Dietary Allowance for vitamin C, and kiwi is also a great source of fiber

Thursday, October 15, 2009

blog # 13 the golden three

Olenka a friend of mine who I met at the University of Arizona is fairly athletic, and has taken my cardio kickboxing class many years ago. She asked me the other day:

"what can I do for my lower body?"
When I asked what her present routine is she said that she does: some squats and cardio (on the machine) and the adductor/abductor machine.

This is what I recommend:

What I call "The golden three":
Deadlift (important functional exercise)
Lung (excellent lower body toning/strength exercise)
Squat (important test of core strength exericse)

there are countless modifications of these exercises to fit your fitness needs. Whether you’re deconditioned, or a bodybuilder these exercises should be incorporated into your workout. (unless you have an injury and have limitations.)

Basic deadlift:

Other forms of a deadlift are:

Romanian-straight leg or slightly bent legs (make the hamstrings work harder)

Advanced deadlift: use kettle balls or a barbell (and add weight)

Shelf deadlift: really focus on your obliques by holding one weight to the side of your body

vary your foot movement (weight placed in the heels watch the knee placement)

Supported squat: use a stability ball to support your back and make the quads burn!!

lunge: This is my client Pam doing an alternating lung (I increased her intensity by adding a barbell bicep curl)
to conclude: These exercises can be performed in a circuit, interval or superset fashion. I recommend varying sets/reps and levels of resistance to constantly challenge yourself. If you are unsure about your form watch a video tutorial, and ask a personal trainer.

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

blog #13 food pyramid (Health is wealth!)

In my Nutrition Education class yesterday we talked about breaking down the food guide pyramid. My professor modified the pyramid adding a “sometimes food” section. This category includes chocolate and other delectable foods that should be limited. This additional category was an idea of customizing the pyramid to what meets her needs.

My Medical Nutrition professor showed us this picture of a homemade pyramid she found online:

There are a million versions of the food guide pyramid, but the overall message of moderation and variety remains a constant. What model/figure represents what you can follow to meet your health and fitness goals? If you take the pyramid and modify it to meet your needs what would it look like?

blog # 12 protein powder HIGH protein and LOW carbs..

Not only athletes can enjoy protein powder. If you turn up your nose at the thought of protein powder think about the last time that you tried a good quality brand....

I like Myoplex Delux and Optimun Nutrition

Optimun Nutrition:

  • Whey Protein Isolates are 90% pure protein by weight. They are the purest and most expensive form of whey protein that exists
  • can be purchased at vitamin shoppe and the flavors range from chocolate to rocky road (my favorite) You can scoop the powder into oats, water or a shake with water and fruit.
  • it's naturally flavored with no colors or sweeteners
  • 24 g Protein per serving with 3 grams of carbs

the instructions from Optimun Nutrition list:

Directions: For good results, consume your daily protein allotment over 4-6 small meals spread evenly throughout the day.

100% Whey Gold Standard

Myoplex delux is a more expensive and more well known brand of delicious protein powder and other products. You can purchase single packs, ready made shakes and protien bars from myoplex.

blog #11 diet for an athlete first year college student

My good friend Kayla is on scholarship at Barry University in Miami Florida where she plays catcher/outfielder on the softball team.

This fall is Kayla’s first semester away from home and living on the dorms. She is instructed not to cut her calories but asked me “what kind of food should I eat as an athlete with not a lot of money? What should I eat to stay healthy on campus at my dorm?”


  • Her goals are weight maintenance, but her coach wants her to get stronger for games.
  • Kayla is eating a moderate calorie range diet due to being extremely active

Background on Kayla:

  • Weights with the team Monday, Wednesday and Friday.
  • Tuesday and Thursday she does plyometrics

Resources: she has a microwave and a school cafeteria.

Current diet: she eats at the cafeteria daily

Recommendations for Kayla:

Kayla needs to consume LEAN PROTEIN for a clean diet to aid in muscular development. Kayla should take a serving of lean protein powder as a snack between meals for a clean protein source. Kayla should invest in staple items for her dorm like: oatmeal (made in microwave) nuts, broccoli, protein powder, fruit, cereal, canned tuna, and clean protein bars.

I recommend:

When i was a freshman I read Eating well on campus by Ann Selkowitz Litt, M.S., R.D. and L.D. This book was very insightful and an appealing read for college students.

  • Write down what you eat (either through a phone application (read blog 10) or in a notebook, AND MEASURE EVERYTHING POSSIBLE!)
  • when Kayla eats at the salad bar I recommend her to make fresh selections, and limit most if not all sauces offered. When eating salad use oil and vinegar, or no dressing because salad dressing is 100% fat!
Protein powder can be consumed without blending! Keep it simple by using a shaker bottle which can be purchased at any Vitamin Shoppe or online for cheap. You mix a scoop of protein and water and shake and go. (remember to clean after each use!)

Monday, October 12, 2009

blog #10 FREE phone apps for blackberry and iphone for calorie/exercise tracking

I use calorie counter by fat secret which is a FREE download for the blackberry (and it is ranked #1 app for health and fitness for the blackberry.)

  • The cool features it has: restaurant info, supermarket nutrient info, popular brand details
  • There is an exercise diary to track your caloric expenditure
  • A weight tracker keeps your measurements
  • The sync option allows you to connect your progress to your home computer and save EVERYHTING! (How cool!!)
  • MY FAVORITE PART: I like the quick pick section where you can choose categories like snacks, beans or legumes and nuts and seeds. This option not only lists all of subcategories but it gives the nutrient content for each category.
  • My friend and classmate in the nutrition program Hadis reviews her free lose it ipod application

    • “I found a application that is FREE and really easy to use, its called Lose It!
      It allows you to create a profile, with daily calorie requirements calculated on your weight, height, gender and age. Your requirements can be adjusted depending on your weight loss goals. You can enter food & portion sizes via a searchable database, it has nutrient information, daily fat (+saturated fat), protein, cholesterol, carbohydrates & fiber intake.
    • You can also add exercise information which subtracts from your daily caloric intake. My favorite part is the graph that shows your weight loss progress over time. So far I have lost 4.5 pounds! Its also great because it helps you stay aware of what you are putting into your body, this is great because I like to snack when I study so it help me control some of the stress munchies!

blog # 9 set REASONABLE goals

I agree that wolverine looks amazing, but is this look a realistic goal for you?
Dave just purchased a 10 pack of personal training sessions with me. Dave wants to gain strength/lose weight.
I want to remind my clients and EVERYONE WITH FITNESS set reasonable attainable goals.

start with short term ideas..... (i.e. 2 lb loss a week)

....then long term (i.e 10 lb loss in a bit over a month)

Once your goal is established set objectives of how you will reach your goal. You need to follow a healthy, practical diet and take measurements so that you know how far you have come each week. Weight loss/gain is a process that takes so much effort from fitness, diet and mental preparation. So prepare yourself and be realistic.