Saturday, November 28, 2009

blog #41 analyze your food choice

In my nutrition education class last Tuesday some classmates were talking about snack choices. A couple students said:

 "its better to eat a banana and nuts opposed to a bannana nut muffin (as a snack.)" 

Of course I agree. But how do you know what's best to eat? Where do you get you info? When you grab a snack what do you eat and why?

I use FREE online tools to analyze food choices but both tools have their pros and cons.
Food-a-pedia banner

I found this new feautre from the food guide pyramid that allows you to COMPARE FOODS so you can make the BEST SELECTION based on calorie content.

I pasted the analysis of muffin, banana and nuts.
quick and free
side by side analysis
shows food group (in case you use the site to login and track progress)

The side by side analysis ONLY shows calories which is extreemly lacking
fat free berry -or banna muffin
Mypyramid Food Groups and Calories
 Grain Group
2 1/2 oz.
 Fruit Group
1/4 cup

Total Calories

313 calories
125 calories
*(solid fats, added sugars, and alcohol)
Mypyramid Food Groups and Calories
 Meat & Beans Group
2 oz.
3 tsp

Total Calories

185 calories
Mypyramid Food Groups and Calories
 Fruit Group
3/4 cup

Total Calories

105 calories

BUT THIS WASNT ENOUGH......i didnt like this tool to much because all it gave me were calories. I want more so i went to another free site calorie counter and I found a more accurate analysis:

Calorie Counter pros:
breaks down nutritents beyond caloric intake
grades the food
shows "good" and "bad" points about the foods so the consumer can make better choices based on more information

calorie counter cons:
doesnt show a side by side analysis like the food guide "food-a-pedia"

Nutrition Facts
Serving Size BANANA

Amount Per Serving

Calories from Fat 

% Daily Value*

Total Fat 

Saturated Fat 

Polyunsaturated Fat 

Monounsaturated Fat 



Total Carbohydrates 

Dietary Fiber 



Vitamin A 2%Vitamin C 17%
Calcium 1%Iron 2%

* Based on a 2000 calorie diet
Nutrition Grade for Bananas
Good pointsBad points

so check it out guys....tell me what works for you! This tool isn't limited to just snacks you can analyze anything but start small and work your way up.......

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

blog #40 what to eat before Thanksgiving meal-

Breakfast of course which is the most important meal of the day! Fill up on whole grains to keep you from binging on to much stuffing and such as the day progresses. Oatmeal is a perfect choice. Add a bit of fruit for flavor.

"feast time" isnt until say 4pm or so (hypothetically) so that means breakfast then eat thanksgiving dinner right?

snacks are allowed too! Don't skip meals/snacks on thanksgiving because you will just be more hungry come dinner time which will lead to overeating and unhappiness. PACE YOURSELF

on thanksgiving day
#2 enjoy the company of friends
#3 try new dishes
#4 focus on the friends, family, company, colors and experience of togetherness (then food becomes secondary)

#1 race to finish your plate (whats the rush really?)
#2 push small children out of the way to "be first" to get the stuffing/turkey
#3 fill your plate with mostly starchy foods
#4 eat while standing
#5 eat and talk
#6 eat to fast

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

blog #39 resturant review : Souen "macrobiotic style"

This past Sunday my good friend Becca and I went out to a resturant that she recommended called Souen.

This popular restaurant is labeled "macrobiotic" The word "macrobiotic" comes from the Greek and essentially means "long life" or "great life."

what does this macrobiotic lifestyle include?

locally grown

natural foods

prepared and eaten in the traditional manner (baking, boiling, and steaming)

Lots of grains, vegetables, beans, fermented soy, and soups

small amounts of fish, nuts, seeds, and fruits -- are the basis of the macrobiotic diet menu.

From the restaurants site:

"It is thought that by eating balanced foods such as grains and vegetables that are more local and in season, we can maintain good physical and spiritual health and live in harmony with nature. A typical Macrobiotic plate for our area will consist of a large portion of grains, beans, seaweed, vegetables and vegetable protein, such as tofu, seitan, beans and tempeh. Following the traditional Japanese food model of a simple and natural diet, macrobiotics dictates eating food in a natural way – unrefined and unprocessed"

Check out their menu

Concept listed on website:

"Our concept is to let people all over the world experience real traditional Japanese food, delicious Macrobiotic food. We’d like people to bring it into their lives to allow them to heal themselves, improve their immune systems, and have a more enjoyable, harmonious life. Our aim is to contribute to a peaceful world."


instead of salt at our table they offered sesame seeds (as a condiment) at the table. Sesame seeds are a good source of manganese, Copper, Calcium, Iron, Zinc, and dietary fiber.

Check out the unique food glossary on their site for more info about sesame seeds

Souen is located in Soho and Union square.

Monday, November 23, 2009

blog #38 "firm, lift and smooth in just 2 minutes a day?" I THINK NOT!!!!!!!!!!!

neckline slimmer double chin is a subcutaneous fat around the neck that sags down and creates a wrinkle, making the owner appear to have a second chin. It is most common on people who are elderly or obese.

if you want to lose a double chin you must:
#1 eat right #2 EXERCISE #consistently eat well and exercise


This product neckline slimmer claims that women over 36 with a saggy chin can use this "neckline slimmer" to eliminate thier double chin. what do i think?

TERRIBLE IDEA but perfect example of a QUICK FIX

what do you think?

this is how the devise works:

Description: Small exercise device used to tighten up the jowl area. It tightens the face and neck muscles for a reduced-slimmer neckline.
jowl area:
jowl / joul/• n. (often jowls) the lower part of a person's or animal's cheek, esp. when it is fleshy or drooping:


  • No more loose, hanging skin
  • No Double-Chin or Neck Folds
  • No Pain
  • No Expensive Surgery
  • Dramatic Results Guaranteed - in just 2 minutes a day


Sunday, November 22, 2009

blog #37 Quick fixes just dont exist-meet goals using objectives

I have mentioned the significance of meeting goals through objectives in previous posts. Today I will break this down once again because its SO important. YOU NEED TO FIRST CRAWL before you can learn how to walk. Baby steps right?

goal: describes a purpose, expectation or desired ends. (Broad)

objectives: provides a map of how to proceed (narrow)

so for example:
weight loss

you can correctly identify portion sizes and nutrient density

You NEED to meet your objectives to reach your goal. This is by no means an overnight thing. Goals like weight loss take time and THERE ARE NO quick fixes! So diet pills, fad diets, stupid devices and many supplements are crap because they are a quick fix. If you have a goal like weight loss, or greater health you must meet your objectives to reach your goal.

newater01_diet.jpg image by chewonitcomics