Tuesday, November 24, 2009

blog #39 resturant review : Souen "macrobiotic style"

This past Sunday my good friend Becca and I went out to a resturant that she recommended called Souen.

This popular restaurant is labeled "macrobiotic" The word "macrobiotic" comes from the Greek and essentially means "long life" or "great life."

what does this macrobiotic lifestyle include?

locally grown

natural foods

prepared and eaten in the traditional manner (baking, boiling, and steaming)

Lots of grains, vegetables, beans, fermented soy, and soups

small amounts of fish, nuts, seeds, and fruits -- are the basis of the macrobiotic diet menu.

From the restaurants site:

"It is thought that by eating balanced foods such as grains and vegetables that are more local and in season, we can maintain good physical and spiritual health and live in harmony with nature. A typical Macrobiotic plate for our area will consist of a large portion of grains, beans, seaweed, vegetables and vegetable protein, such as tofu, seitan, beans and tempeh. Following the traditional Japanese food model of a simple and natural diet, macrobiotics dictates eating food in a natural way – unrefined and unprocessed"

Check out their menu

Concept listed on website:

"Our concept is to let people all over the world experience real traditional Japanese food, delicious Macrobiotic food. We’d like people to bring it into their lives to allow them to heal themselves, improve their immune systems, and have a more enjoyable, harmonious life. Our aim is to contribute to a peaceful world."


instead of salt at our table they offered sesame seeds (as a condiment) at the table. Sesame seeds are a good source of manganese, Copper, Calcium, Iron, Zinc, and dietary fiber.

Check out the unique food glossary on their site for more info about sesame seeds

Souen is located in Soho and Union square.

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