Tuesday, September 15, 2009

weight loss

Questions: How do I effectively loose weight? What strategies work?

Hey guys I'm excited to start classes this Monday the 31st at Hunter College, NY. I was accepted into the upper division Nutritional Science program. In three more semesters I will have my degree in Nutritional Science! As I attend class and learn new things I'm happy to share them with my clients and other blog readers. Today’s blog addresses the most common question I am asked-

how to get a grasp on fitness/diet?
How do I loose (more) weight?

With fitness I recommend:


  • Plan to workout on a regular schedule. Set a goal of how many times a week or how many hours and follow your outline. The key to weight loss/regulation is being consistent


  • If you are working out at least 2-4 times a week, but you see no results then maybe you aren’t adding enough variety. Cross training is a great way to change your routines up. Try new things. Do compound exercises and interval training, and mix up your routines so that your body doesn’t get bored with the same movements.

Premeditated workouts

  • If you are consistent and adding variety yet still not seeing results then maybe you aren’t executing your ideas well enough. Are you preplanning your workouts? Working at equinox taught me to preplan each client’s individual session and long term plan after assessing their bodies’ abilities and goals. I have found premeditation a very effective way to help regulate a program, encourage weight loss and not forget anything! Every session has a plan.

    With diet I recommend:

    My food guide pyramid online view the MY PYRAMID TRACKER
  • This is a free government based website that allows anyone to make a user name and login with their height and weight. From there you can input your food intake daily. This interactive guide shows what you have over/under consumed as far as macro/micronutrients.
  • The food guide log is an imperative tool to understand weight maintenance. You can also keep a journal and then input the foods online at your convenience.
  • If you are using this tool properly that means you are monitoring your portions. Are you estimating or do you measure your food? I highly recommend measuring your food to help understand portion control.

  • This interactive guide also has a category that allows you to input your physical activity level for the day.