Saturday, June 12, 2010

blog #85: How to cure a hangover with nutrition

I want to start this post by saying that drinking alcohol can displace nutrients in the body, damage your liver, and cause unwanted weight gain, among a long list of other detrimental effects.

                Drink Alcohol in Moderation, if at all.
Moderation = 1 drink/day for women
2 drinks/day for men

You can cure a hangover with: 1. Sleep 2. Fruit or water 3. No coffee

1. Go back to bed
—  A body needs rest to recover from what you've put it through. Chances are, you stayed up late earning your hangover.
—  You'll cure your hangover faster if you get some rest. Sometimes time and sleep are the best hangover remedies.
—  Heavy alcohol abuse has adverse effects on nutrition both because it displaces other, more nutritious foods in the diet and because chronic use impairs absorption and metabolism of many nutrients including: protein, thiamin, B6, niacin, riboflavin, magnesium, zinc and calcium.

2. Rehydrate.
Alcohol is a diuretic.
—  This problem is made worse by the fact that when people are drinking alcohol, they seldom stop to have a glass of water.
—  This loss of fluids causes dehydration.
      Symptoms of dehydration include headache, dry mouth, and thirst.
—  Drink water. Eat water-filled fruits.(like grapefruit or berries)

3. Skip coffee.
Coffee is a diuretic, so drinking it will be counterproductive to your body’s needs by inhibiting hydration. Stick with water and fruit. Toast helps, too.

check out this article for more detailed tips and tricks