Wednesday, March 31, 2010

blog #66: Add variety in your music selection to stay motivated!

I heard the coolest track The Cure vs. Lil Wayne, titled "Close To Me" (Vengeance Mash Up). This is a free download.

The source of this track and many similar mash-ups is
This track is featured in mixtape 34

The site offers a new free mixtape every!! I am in the process of downloading all 59 mixes, so I will recommend my favorites in future posts. So far, they all sound amazing!

Remember, switching up your tunes can really help keep you on track while lifting/running/stretching.

If you want more mellow music to stretch to, or for yoga, let me know and I will recommend accordingly.

Happy tunes!

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

blog #65: How did you become a personal trainer? What’s the process?

I have been asked my numerous friends about the process of becoming a certified personal trainer. I have laid out the steps in today’s post:

1. Find an accredited organization like ACE, AFFA or NASSM that will issue you a cert

2. Do research what are your goals? Where do you want to work? These answers will help you decide who you want to get your cert from

3. Buy your study materials ( I recommend practice exams)

4. Study for the exam (do you have a background in exercise science? If not allow more time for prep)

5. Register for the exam (you can register online)

6. Take the exam (some sites allow you to take the exam on a computer in a monitored environment)

Ok so you passed the test now what? In order to WORK you need to also have:

1. Current CPR

2. Continue your certification yearly with CECs (continuing education credits)

• If you are an independent contractor like me then you need to purchase insurance to cover yourself and your client.

• If you want to know how to manage your own business that’s another blog. First get your cert and maintain it!

Bottom line:

Do your research and only go after your PT cert if you really, really want it!!