Sunday, November 29, 2009

blog #42 increase your level of physical fitness

Want to increase your level of physical fitness? If so then strengthen your grip. 
I was asked to write about strengthening your wrists to correspond with a grip strengthening sports specific article. Everyday activities can be enhanced with strong wrists and forearms. Many sports training requires strong wrists. Activities like rock climbing, shooting, yoga, golf, tennis and other sports/activities require not only strong wrists, but also a strong grip.

downward facing dog: when done correctly you press firmly with your hands so that your finger tips grip firmly into the "earth" and your tail bone rises to the "sky." This stretch not only creates space in your spine but also it will make your arms/wrists/grip stronger (no weights needed.)

pull ups....oh i love pull ups. Pull ups yield amazing benefits including TOTAL body strength. 100% of my clients complain about pull ups because they are "hard." Yes they are hard for several reasons one of them being weak arms and wrists. Start with an assisted machine and work your way to pull ups with a spotter and then.....on your own. Completing my first set of wide grip pull ups without a spotter is a moment that i will never forget.

wrist curls- You can use a barbell (first pic) or dumbells (second pic) to isolate the wrist muscles

deadlifts- This is my alternate grip. Either pronated (palms facing down) or alternating hands (shown below) is going to strengthen your grip. I prefer alternating my grip because it gives me more of a solid base or foundation when lifting heavy. Much like pull ups deadlifts strengthen the entire body focusing on the core muscles (erector spinae.) The results of the deadlift depend on your form (Romanian vs. traditional, etc.)

wrist rolls-personally i have never done this exercise because deadlifts and pull ups are sufficient for me, but for variety i have included this example. If your gym has this (most do just ask) then use the stick with the rope attached to the middle, and with an overhand grip SLOWLY roll the weight up and down. 

Farmers walks (pic of the shirtless man) are a great way to strengthen you traps, core and wrists/forearms, but i decided to talk about shopping to (a favorite pastime of mine.) Shopping for clothes and/or groceries can help strengthen your arms and shoulders BUT...if the load will be uneven so this isn't "an exercise." If you want to be even (you should be even) then you need to use dumbbells and do farmers walks.

a final note-should you use weight lifting straps if you are trying to strengthen your grip? NO. If you are serious about strengthening you grip then stop using pads/straps. Rely on your own strength (NO HELPERS) 
If you arn't THAT serious about grip strenghth, but you are aware of the value of these exercises then use straps.

So what works for you? Will you try any of the exercises? Give me feedback with what works!