Saturday, October 24, 2009

blog #18 Swim and listen to your ipod with waterproof gear!

You can listen to your ipod when you swim laps!

Check out H20 Audio their mission statement is:

(H2o audio) is established by sports enthusiasts for sports enthusiasts, H2O Audio is the leading provider of high-performance waterproof sport headphones and waterproof accessories for active people everywhere.

they sell:

waterproof headphones, waterproof armbands and cases, waterproof headphone cases, deep dive waterproof cases

Waterproof Armbands and CasesWaterproof Headphones

"Music has always been a huge part of my life and training, and I am excited to partner with H2O Audio to help bring music to the water..."

- Michael Phelps

Friday, October 23, 2009

blog # 17 what's your real age?

Real Age is a a site that answers the quesion:
Are you biologically younger, older or the same age as your calendar age?

the quiz is divided into categories based on:

health fitness habits relationship and diet

go to the link below to take the short quiz and see what your "real age" is:

I scored 20.4!
Calendar Age
After the site showed my test results it generated ideas and recommendations based on my answers.

the site has so much to offer beyond the quiz:
links to discussion boards
looking young
eating smart
smoothing stress
health screenings

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

blog # 16 a man worth recognition-Norman Borlaug


The Man Who Defused the 'Population Bomb'

Norman Borlaug is quoted in this article as "One of America's greatest heroes remains little known in his home country."

-“Borlaug (who died 5 weeks ago) saved more lives than anyone who has ever lived

-“Borlaug won the Nobel Peace Prize in 1970 for his work ending the India-Pakistan food shortage of the mid-1960s.”

-“Borlaug helped develop some of the principles of Green Revolution agriculture on which the world now relies including hybrid crops selectively bred for vigor, and "shuttle breeding," a technique for accelerating the movement of disease immunity between strains of crops.”

-“Borlaug (told the author) a decade ago that most Western environmentalists "have never experienced the physical sensation of hunger. They do their lobbying from comfortable office suites in Washington or Brussels. If they lived just one month amid the misery of the developing world, as I have for 50 years, they'd be crying out for tractors and fertilizer and irrigation canals and be outraged that fashionable elitists in wealthy nations were trying to deny them these things."

-“Often it is said America lacks heroes who can provide constructive examples to the young. Here was such a hero. Yet though streets and buildings are named for Norman Borlaug throughout the developing world, most Americans don't even know his name.”

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

blog #15 Japanese sushi vs. Western sushi

The Japanese diet is commonly regarded as being healthy. Sushi, which comes from Japan is a well integrated western food made from contents which the Japanese base their daily caloric intake around.

With a diet low in fat and high in carbohydrates the Japanese are known for enjoying one of the longest lifespans in the world. Japan has lower rates of heart disease, osteoporosis, and breast cancer then the United States.

  • Due to Japan’s healthy lifestyle a diet plan named the Okinawa diet has been commercially promoted in Western Society. The Okinawa menu plan follows a nutrient dense low calorie diet, and has helped people loose and control their weight
  • Some of the commonly known foods from Japan that have become westernized are sushi, tempura and teriyaki chicken.
  • The main ingredients of traditional Japanese sushi is raw fish and rice which together are naturally low in fat, high in protein, carbohydrates, vitamins, and minerals.

The same isn’t true for the Western style sushi that has become increasingly more popular. Ingredients like mayonnaise, avocado, and cream cheese is added to make the sushi more palatable, but this is not common within traditional Japanese diet and menu planning. Japanese based seafood is low in omega 6 fat, and high in omega 3 fatty acids found from the fish like tuna and salmon. Since sushi is served raw no fat is introduced in its preparation. Fish, tofu, seafood, egg, crab and various other sushi fillings are high in protein. Vitamins and Minerals are found in many of the vegetables used for sushi. For example, the gari (pickled ginger) and nori (seaweed wrap) used to make sushi are both rich in nutrients. Other vegetables like carrots and cucumber provide nutrients too. Carbohydrates are found in the rice (complex carbohydrates) and the vegetables (simple carbohydrates.)

this image is a deep fried spicy roll which is NOT a common Japanese roll but a WESTERN style roll. Make simple choices when eating sushi to resemble a diet like the Japanese (first image)

Sunday, October 18, 2009

blog # 15 cheap ways to destress

Ive been studying all week and literally ALL day today for the midterm in my Food Service Systems class for tomorrow.

I'm exhausted.

I had to remind myself today how to destress in a cost effective manner-
#1. cardio
#2 foam roll
#3 childs pose
#4 savasana

#1. cardio:
makes you feel good
helps you lose or maintain weight
helps with sleep
makes your heart stronger

#2 foam roll
foam rolling can be used as a self-myofascial release or for stretching purposes.

to stretch the ILIOTIBIAL TRACT (IT Band)

Position yourself side lying on foam roller and roll just below hip joint down the lateral thigh to the knee. Be prepared because this is painful if the IT band is particularly tight...

#3 childs pose

In most yoga classes we return our practice to this forward fold to increase flexibility in the hips, massage the abdominal organ and relax the body.

#4 savasanasavasana_248

Savasana is also called corpse pose. This form of relaxation is a pose saved for the end of yoga practice or whenever your body needs a break from daily activities. Keep your palms open, feet relaxed and toes pointed out to the sides of the room and eyes gently closed. Allow your jaw to relax and your heart to melt...enjoy