Sunday, November 22, 2009

blog #37 Quick fixes just dont exist-meet goals using objectives

I have mentioned the significance of meeting goals through objectives in previous posts. Today I will break this down once again because its SO important. YOU NEED TO FIRST CRAWL before you can learn how to walk. Baby steps right?

goal: describes a purpose, expectation or desired ends. (Broad)

objectives: provides a map of how to proceed (narrow)

so for example:
weight loss

you can correctly identify portion sizes and nutrient density

You NEED to meet your objectives to reach your goal. This is by no means an overnight thing. Goals like weight loss take time and THERE ARE NO quick fixes! So diet pills, fad diets, stupid devices and many supplements are crap because they are a quick fix. If you have a goal like weight loss, or greater health you must meet your objectives to reach your goal.

newater01_diet.jpg image by chewonitcomics


Unknown said...

This really important to remember and it makes reaching goals less stressful and more realistic. I began by packing my lunch for work instead of buying something (which can pack calories on really fast), then started adding more healthy choices to my lunch such as new vegetables and fresh fruit. It's like a domino affect, once you start eating better you feel better and want to start exercising more. Another example is how a once a week gym date with a friend can lead to getting together 3 or 4 times a week!

Great Tip Libby! =)

Libby said...

great suggestions jessica thanks for the feedback!