Wednesday, November 25, 2009

blog #40 what to eat before Thanksgiving meal-

Breakfast of course which is the most important meal of the day! Fill up on whole grains to keep you from binging on to much stuffing and such as the day progresses. Oatmeal is a perfect choice. Add a bit of fruit for flavor.

"feast time" isnt until say 4pm or so (hypothetically) so that means breakfast then eat thanksgiving dinner right?

snacks are allowed too! Don't skip meals/snacks on thanksgiving because you will just be more hungry come dinner time which will lead to overeating and unhappiness. PACE YOURSELF

on thanksgiving day
#2 enjoy the company of friends
#3 try new dishes
#4 focus on the friends, family, company, colors and experience of togetherness (then food becomes secondary)

#1 race to finish your plate (whats the rush really?)
#2 push small children out of the way to "be first" to get the stuffing/turkey
#3 fill your plate with mostly starchy foods
#4 eat while standing
#5 eat and talk
#6 eat to fast

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