Sunday, November 1, 2009

blog #24 terrible travel back home via airplane

Shrieking children, small spaces, and obnoxious people made my return flight from hell today.

Thank god that I had a snack on hand so I didn’t have to eat airplane food. Id rather starve.

November is a popular time of year to travel. Traveling by air can be stressful and shift your appetite, but if you bring along a few portable snacks then your mood will improve.

I try to bring non perishable snacks that fill me up but don’t cause a mess. I like:



protien bars

dried fruit

fresh fruit

rice cakes

I recommend not bringing:

  • Anything smelly
  • Anything that can spill out
  • Anything that requires a fork or spoon (keep it simple)

things that irritated me on the plane ride today:

  • the plane smelled like a swage dump
  • Kids behind me were screaming then crying, and throwing Doritos around
  • Parents were screaming to one another about the distribution of Doritos to their children on board
At least I had some wholesome snacks to keep my sanity.

1 comment:

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