Friday, November 6, 2009

blog #30 theme: cultural nutrition: spotlight on malnutrition

(PEM) protein-energy malnutrition is the worlds most widespread malnutrition problem, including both marasmus and kwashiorkor and states in which they overlap; also called protein-calorie malnutrition (PCM).

PEM strikes early in childhood in poor countries

Kwashiorkor is "a virulent form of childhood malnutrition characterized by edema, irritability, anorexia, and enlarged fatty liver."

what causes this?
lack of protien
lack of iron
lack of folic acid
lack of iodine
lack of selenium
lack of vitamin C

Marasmus vs. Kwashiorkor:
Marasmus is the calorie-deficiency disease; starvation where Kwashiorkor is a disease related to protein malnutrition, with a set of recognizable symptoms, such as edema.

marasmus: extreem loss of muscle and fat
Kwashiorkor: edema and enlarged liver with swollen belly:

mortality rates by country:
Rank Countries Amount
# 1 South Africa:820 deaths
# 2 Mexico:75 deaths
# 3 Brazil:46 deaths
# 4 Venezuela:13 deaths
= 5 Ecuador:11 deaths
= 5 Peru:11 deaths
# 7 Colombia:10 deaths
# 8 United States:8 deaths
# 9 Egypt:5 deaths
= 10 Nicaragua:3 deaths
= 10 Paraguay:3 deaths
= 12 Belize:2 deaths
= 12 Slovakia:2 deaths
= 14 Lithuania:1 deaths
= 14 Chile:1 deaths
= 14 Spain:1 deaths
= 14 Costa Rica:1 deaths
= 14 Poland:1 deaths
= 14 Czech Republic:1 deaths
= 14 Argentina:1 deaths
= 14 Hungary:1 deaths
= 14 Moldova:1 deaths
= 14 Israel:1 deaths
= 14 Panama:1 deaths
= 14 Japan:1 deaths
= 14 Sweden:1 deaths
Total:1,022 deaths
Weighted average:39.3 deaths


Extremely Average In AZ said...

*Lip trembling* Ok, I will donate to the foodbanks this Christmas. They can have EVERYTHING in my pantry just make the pictures STOP *bursts out into sobs*

Unknown said...

this is heart trembling pics.this mainly due to poverty. everybody should come in front to help these children

obat denature said...

very interesting ....... nice ........
this is very help me in the next work ....... good luck always ..... spirit ......
if you want to visit also my website ..... please ......
thank you.......

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