Friday, November 6, 2009

blog #29 Basic yoga moves done anywhere in or out of sequence

Today me and two other girls from my Nutrition Program at school are working in a group to educate some students at campus about health and wellness. This is part of our requirement for our Nutrition Education class.

why do yoga?
almost anyone can do some form of yoga
feels good
can transform your body and mind
help posture/alignment
good way to cross train
improve strength, flexibility, endurance

Tonight I'm teaching a free yoga class at Brookdales Hunter college called "yoga on a towel"

the idea is that yoga doesnt have to be done on a yoga mat or in a yoga can be done anywhere at any time in any sequence.

here are some basic poses that can be done in or out of sequence:


Standing Forward Bend

Ardha Uttanasana
Standing Half Forward Bend

Chaturanga Dandasana
Four-Limbed Staff Pose


Urdhva Mukha Svanasana
Upward-Facing Dog

warrior 2

chair pose:

revolved chair pose:

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