Tuesday, April 13, 2010

blog #67: celiac disease and oatmeal

Review of celiac sprue or celiac disease: 

A while back in blog #35: theme dietary diseases: surviving the battle of Ciliac Disease I told you about my friend Emily, who has celiac disease. In college Emily worked at a breakfast place on campus and she ate steel cut oats. After reading multiple sources of information regarding celiac disease, I kept seeing the same thing:

Oats are “sometimes ok” to consume on a gluten-free diet. I am left wondering--what does this mean? Why only sometimes?

After further research I found my answer: The oats which are processed in an oats-ONLY factory are ok, as opposed to oats that are processed in a factory with wheat/barley products, which will exacerbate gluten-intolerant symptoms. Research your brands of products before you eat them!
What’s ok
What’s not ok
Steel cut irish oats by McCann’s
Old-fashioned oats by Quaker

What does this mean if I don’t have celiac? If you are not diagnosed with gluten intolerance, then I hope this post can remind you to read labels in general. Understanding both what and how much you are eating are key skills to master.

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