Monday, April 12, 2010

blog #67: All about lactose-intolerance

Are you lactose-intolerant?  

WHAT: Lactose is a type of sugar that is found in milk and other dairy products. Some people cannot digest it. Symptoms of lactose intolerance include: nausea, abdominal cramps, bloating, gas, and diarrhea.
Milk and soft cheese have the most lactose, as opposed to hard cheeses, which usually have lower lactose content.

WHY: Lactose is water soluble, so the more water removed from the product (like cheese) the less lactose will be left in it. So why is yogurt tolerated? Lactose is broken down by bacteria in the yogurt.

WHO: 90% of Asians, and 75% of people of African, Jewish, Mexican-, and and Native American descent are lactose intolerant.  People from northern European countries have the lowest rates: 5-17%

WHEN: Lactose intolerance was first discovered around 400 B.C. by Hippocrates.

Processed foods that may contain lactose
Processed meats
Salad dressings
Snack foods
Soft drinks
Lager beers
Some medication
Some supplements

Ingredients to avoid (Read the labels!)
Milk by-products
Dry milk solids
Nonfat dry milk powder

So what can I put on my cereal?
Soy milk
Rice milk
Goats’ milk (contains some lactose but less then cows’ milk)

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