Monday, October 5, 2009

blog #4 Spotlight on Indian Festival: Dance Indian Style

My knowledge regarding the Indian culture prior to attending the Indian festival downtown was based off slumdog millionaire. My Indian client Krishna who was born and raised in India asked me to check out the cultural event.

The Indian festival was such a cool experience filled with food, music/dance, costumes and free giveaways like henna tattoos. I love the dancing! AIA (association of Indians in America) are now brining Indian dance classes to NYC at Chelsea peers. They offer single sessions, but I was told 10 classes are offered for $200.

Dance in India covers a wide range of dance and dance theatre forms, from the ancient classical or temple dance to folk and modern styles.

Three best-known deities, Shiva, Kali and Krishna, are typically represented dancing. There are hundreds of Indian folk dances such as Bhangra, Garba and special dances observed in regional festivals.India offers a number of classical Indian dance forms, each of which can be traced to different parts of the country. The presentation of Indian dance styles in film, Bollywood, has exposed the range of dance in India to a global audience.

1 comment:

kavithaponmalar said...

Opinion poll

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Which is your favourite traditional way of dancing ?

A) Classical

B) Western

C) Folk

D) Other new style

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