Thursday, December 31, 2009

blog51: New Years Resolutions?

I read this article called "Aw the heck with it...Why resolutions wont work without resolve." Check it out.

1. Choose the right resolution.

2. Have a plan.

3. Don’t stray.

4. Stay flexible and keep going.

My friend Amy attends my yoga classes at Gravity Fitness, and she writes for Time Out New York. Check out her newest article under the "Spas and Sports" section.

Amy reviews a few fitness classes that she says will 
"whip your double-wide booty—and maybe even your social life—into shape"

that sounds like a good new years resolution to be. Get into better shape and meet people? I'm in.

amy reviews:
Punk Rock Yoga
The New York Metro Ice Skating Group
New York F.U.S.E. Dance Fitness Meetup Group
The NYC Flexibility Group

Amy is a friend of mine and I enjoy both her company and fitness reviews so I am going to try at least 2 of these classes through my winter break and then review them on my blog. If anyone wants to come with me....let me know.

sidenote: I met one of my best friends Laura who then became my roommate in college from a hip hop class. To this day some of my best girlfriends are women that I met through fitness classes. My resolution is to attend more fitness classes.

goal: attend more fitness classes
objective: try at least 2 new fitness classes a month

whats your new years resolution? what are your goals/objective?

Monday, December 28, 2009

blog 50: fight weakness with strength=henry rollin's essay is inspirational

Henry Rollins is a musician, writer, activist, DJ, and actor. He wrote a really inspirational essay that he posted on his website called THE IRON. This short essay is worth reading.

essay highlights:
nothing good comes without work and a certain amount of pain.

Rollins discoveres a sense of himself

Rollins did something no one could ever take away

he says that working out gave himself a great gift

strength revels itself through character

he speaks of "the iron mind"

he fought weakness with strength

Does working out give you a sense of identity?

"Iron" helped Rollins develop a sense of self. Rollins developed an "iron mind" from lifting. What have you developed from working out? What association do you have with the gym? What drives you to be consistent and make working out/taking care of yourself a lifestyle?

whats your relationship to iron?

Saturday, December 26, 2009

blog #49: avoid the "holiday heart syndrome"

A holiday heart is a condition that causes irregular heartbeat in patients who are otherwise healthy individuals. Holiday heart syndrome now most commonly refers to the association between alcohol use and rhythm disturbances. 

what causes it?
alcohol-moderate amounts or binge drinking
bing eating

rapid pulse
irregular heart beat

my medical nutrition therapy professor who use to work at presbyterian hospital as a dietitian told our class that due to this condition every year the same group of people came to to hospital after the holidays (like thanksgiving and Xmas.) My professor said that many of the patients had preexisting heart conditions, and that they overeat/drank which caused palpitations so the patients were rushed to the hospital for a week of IV Lasix. 

Friday, December 25, 2009

blog #48: bleeding, bruising and ass kicking with mauy thai

Last Tuesday at 430pm I agreed to take a Muay Thai class with my friend Becca at Hype gym.

this class was lead by Darrly the creator of Meridian Touch
The class was awesome!  I left class bleeding, sweating and partially bruised, but I had a great workout and (almost) the whole time I was smiling! 

It was a small class consisting of my friend Becca, me and this huge man with multiple tattoos named Bruno. Darryl set the tone by playing metal music to keep our motivation level high which worked. 

We did:
cardio interval drills 
contact drills 
Push ups and partner clap push ups
squats on our toes
leap frogs 
sliding plank exercises (shown below)
We partnered up for contact punches and kicks while alternating the drills listed above.
In martial arts there are two forms: hard and soft. Soft form
soft forms philosophy is derived from pure yin and it tends to yield force where Hard technique meets force with force, either by directly blocking the technique with a head-on force or by cutting through at an angle with one's own force. 

so what is mauy thai?
mauy thai is a form of HARD martial arts. 

  • Muay Thai practitioners calcify their shins in order to hit harder, overpower blocking techniques, check incoming kicks, and attempt to break the bones of their opponents. 
  • Muay Thai is referred to as the "Art of Eight Limbs" because it makes use of punches, kicks, elbows and knee strikes, thus using eight "points of contact", as opposed to "two points" (fists) in Western boxing and "four points" (hands and feet) used in sport-oriented martial arts.

Darryl started the class with a ritual which was to stand in a line and bow followed by taking a boxer stance with your guards up. We ended class with this same quick practice. This ritual reminded me of traditional yoga classes which start with an om or a chant, and end with shavasana (shown below.) I respect practices that are spiritually bound, and i recognize the deep roots within this martial arts practice. 

so now you try! You don't have to be a member to check this class out. Call hype for details 

Tuesday, December 22, 2009

blog #47: free music downloads

Many of the participants in my fitness classes have asked questions about my playlists, so today I will share my FREE sources. I play a lot of different mixes in my cardio/sculpt classes, but a few of my favorites are dj chachi and dj trip.

check out Dj Chachis page. His mixes are all free downloads (Mur mur mix from this october is a favorite)

Dj z-trip was voted "best dj in 2009." I really like how he mixes old rock songs into his albums. To get a preview of his music check out "nirvana lounge act" under singles. Again ALL albums listed on that link are free downloads. I like ztrip "get back"
Nirvana - Lounge Act Remix
t me know what you guys like.....

Friday, December 18, 2009

blog 46: maximize your caloric burn with interval training

Interval training involves alternating short bursts of intense activity with what is called active recovery, which is typically a less-intense form of the original activity.

still dont get it?
interval training alternates HIGH intensity exercises with LOW intensity exercises. 
(The intensity, duration and frequency vary per person, per goal.)

length and speed of each interval can be modified per person per workout (this means almost anyone can customize this workout for their needs) 

why is interval training so important?
interval training utalizes both anaerobic and aerobic systems in the body.
aerobic=walk or run for a lenthg of time
anaerobic=short burst of energy like sprinting, lifting heavy objects or jumping

so whats an example of interval training at the most basic level?
training might involve walking for two minutes, running for two, and alternating this pattern throughout the duration of a workout.

what about a more intense version of interval training?
Intensity of the interval depends on your goals and abilities

If you have started experimenting with interval training while walking (by adding in jogging/running) and now you are ready to increase the intensity then try this:

jump rope for one minute
walk on treadmill for 2 minutes at a moderate speed with a high incline (levels differ per person)
jumping jacks for 40 seconds
row machine at moderate pace for 1.5 minutes

I use interval training for ALL my clients, and depending on their abilities and energy level I vary the routines because eveyone is at different levels. Its important to challenge your body, and when you feel like giving up or not working for so long, or so hard on the treadmill remember that thats when it counts the most.

BE CONSISTANT, STAY MOTIVATED,  and SEEK HELP/SUPPORT because its out there. Dont give up. 

                                                            exhaustion is expected

Monday, December 14, 2009

blog 45: eat beans and lower your sodium intake: RINSE, RINSE, RINSE!

Beans are considered legumes which can be heart-healthy and an excellent low fat source of protien. 

lentils (yummy)
split peas
black beans
kidney beans
navy beans

lentils (shown above) are an excellent source of protein and can be used to bake soups, vegetable burgers and other dishes that are low in fat.

"conveient, inexpensive, versatle and nutritious, dried beans are a staple in many cuisines." says the Calorie, carbohydrate, and cholesterol directory by Martha Schueneman.

Dried beans are cheap and low in sodium but they require soaking (usually overnight) before you can boil them for consumption. I recommend preparing legumes this way but many of us "dont have time."

so that leads me to my topic today-how can you consume legumes without soaking overnight?
the canned form is good, cheap alternative (but it is far more expensive then buying in bulk and soaking overnight.)

here are some tips in order to ensure that you are consuming the canned form in a correct way:
2. read the label
3. measure

Rinsing decreases a large amount of sodium found in the liquid that is in the can. REDUCE YOUR SODIUM BY RINSING YOUR BEANS!!

Saturday, December 12, 2009

blog #44 music for motivation

Music pushes me to work harder, and for a longer period of time. I listen to music not only while working out but, also while doing homework because music helps me stay focused. Music has been therapy for me over the years.
Try listening to new music to stay motivated

Ten Therapeutic Characteristics of Music

  • Music captivates and maintains attention—it stimulates and utilizes many parts of the brain.
  • Music is easily adapted to, and can be reflective of, a person's abilities.
  • Music structures time in a way that we can understand (“that's the last verse—my exercise session is almost over!”).
  • Music provides a meaningful, enjoyable context for repetition.
  • Music provides a social context—it sets up a safe, structured setting for verbal and nonverbal communication.
  • Music is an effective memory aid.
  • Music supports and encourages movement.
  • Music taps into memories and emotions.
  • Music—and the silences within it—provides nonverbal, immediate feedback.
  • Music is success-oriented: people of all ability levels can participate.

Thursday, December 10, 2009

blog 43: How much % organic are fruits labeled "organic"

                                        what does organic mean? What foods are best to eat organic?

growth hormones, antibiotics and pestisides are in genetically modified foods
organic foods can be free of some of these additives depending on how organic the product is so read the label.

best foods to eat organic are unprotected exposed foods like:

foods that are not as important to eat organic (because they have a skin:)

Sunday, November 29, 2009

blog #42 increase your level of physical fitness

Want to increase your level of physical fitness? If so then strengthen your grip. 
I was asked to write about strengthening your wrists to correspond with a grip strengthening sports specific article. Everyday activities can be enhanced with strong wrists and forearms. Many sports training requires strong wrists. Activities like rock climbing, shooting, yoga, golf, tennis and other sports/activities require not only strong wrists, but also a strong grip.

downward facing dog: when done correctly you press firmly with your hands so that your finger tips grip firmly into the "earth" and your tail bone rises to the "sky." This stretch not only creates space in your spine but also it will make your arms/wrists/grip stronger (no weights needed.)

pull ups....oh i love pull ups. Pull ups yield amazing benefits including TOTAL body strength. 100% of my clients complain about pull ups because they are "hard." Yes they are hard for several reasons one of them being weak arms and wrists. Start with an assisted machine and work your way to pull ups with a spotter and then.....on your own. Completing my first set of wide grip pull ups without a spotter is a moment that i will never forget.

wrist curls- You can use a barbell (first pic) or dumbells (second pic) to isolate the wrist muscles

deadlifts- This is my alternate grip. Either pronated (palms facing down) or alternating hands (shown below) is going to strengthen your grip. I prefer alternating my grip because it gives me more of a solid base or foundation when lifting heavy. Much like pull ups deadlifts strengthen the entire body focusing on the core muscles (erector spinae.) The results of the deadlift depend on your form (Romanian vs. traditional, etc.)

wrist rolls-personally i have never done this exercise because deadlifts and pull ups are sufficient for me, but for variety i have included this example. If your gym has this (most do just ask) then use the stick with the rope attached to the middle, and with an overhand grip SLOWLY roll the weight up and down. 

Farmers walks (pic of the shirtless man) are a great way to strengthen you traps, core and wrists/forearms, but i decided to talk about shopping to (a favorite pastime of mine.) Shopping for clothes and/or groceries can help strengthen your arms and shoulders BUT...if the load will be uneven so this isn't "an exercise." If you want to be even (you should be even) then you need to use dumbbells and do farmers walks.

a final note-should you use weight lifting straps if you are trying to strengthen your grip? NO. If you are serious about strengthening you grip then stop using pads/straps. Rely on your own strength (NO HELPERS) 
If you arn't THAT serious about grip strenghth, but you are aware of the value of these exercises then use straps.

So what works for you? Will you try any of the exercises? Give me feedback with what works!

Saturday, November 28, 2009

blog #41 analyze your food choice

In my nutrition education class last Tuesday some classmates were talking about snack choices. A couple students said:

 "its better to eat a banana and nuts opposed to a bannana nut muffin (as a snack.)" 

Of course I agree. But how do you know what's best to eat? Where do you get you info? When you grab a snack what do you eat and why?

I use FREE online tools to analyze food choices but both tools have their pros and cons.
Food-a-pedia banner

I found this new feautre from the food guide pyramid that allows you to COMPARE FOODS so you can make the BEST SELECTION based on calorie content.

I pasted the analysis of muffin, banana and nuts.
quick and free
side by side analysis
shows food group (in case you use the site to login and track progress)

The side by side analysis ONLY shows calories which is extreemly lacking
fat free berry -or banna muffin
Mypyramid Food Groups and Calories
 Grain Group
2 1/2 oz.
 Fruit Group
1/4 cup

Total Calories

313 calories
125 calories
*(solid fats, added sugars, and alcohol)
Mypyramid Food Groups and Calories
 Meat & Beans Group
2 oz.
3 tsp

Total Calories

185 calories
Mypyramid Food Groups and Calories
 Fruit Group
3/4 cup

Total Calories

105 calories

BUT THIS WASNT ENOUGH......i didnt like this tool to much because all it gave me were calories. I want more so i went to another free site calorie counter and I found a more accurate analysis:

Calorie Counter pros:
breaks down nutritents beyond caloric intake
grades the food
shows "good" and "bad" points about the foods so the consumer can make better choices based on more information

calorie counter cons:
doesnt show a side by side analysis like the food guide "food-a-pedia"

Nutrition Facts
Serving Size BANANA

Amount Per Serving

Calories from Fat 

% Daily Value*

Total Fat 

Saturated Fat 

Polyunsaturated Fat 

Monounsaturated Fat 



Total Carbohydrates 

Dietary Fiber 



Vitamin A 2%Vitamin C 17%
Calcium 1%Iron 2%

* Based on a 2000 calorie diet
Nutrition Grade for Bananas
Good pointsBad points

so check it out guys....tell me what works for you! This tool isn't limited to just snacks you can analyze anything but start small and work your way up.......