Monday, December 14, 2009

blog 45: eat beans and lower your sodium intake: RINSE, RINSE, RINSE!

Beans are considered legumes which can be heart-healthy and an excellent low fat source of protien. 

lentils (yummy)
split peas
black beans
kidney beans
navy beans

lentils (shown above) are an excellent source of protein and can be used to bake soups, vegetable burgers and other dishes that are low in fat.

"conveient, inexpensive, versatle and nutritious, dried beans are a staple in many cuisines." says the Calorie, carbohydrate, and cholesterol directory by Martha Schueneman.

Dried beans are cheap and low in sodium but they require soaking (usually overnight) before you can boil them for consumption. I recommend preparing legumes this way but many of us "dont have time."

so that leads me to my topic today-how can you consume legumes without soaking overnight?
the canned form is good, cheap alternative (but it is far more expensive then buying in bulk and soaking overnight.)

here are some tips in order to ensure that you are consuming the canned form in a correct way:
2. read the label
3. measure

Rinsing decreases a large amount of sodium found in the liquid that is in the can. REDUCE YOUR SODIUM BY RINSING YOUR BEANS!!

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