Saturday, December 12, 2009

blog #44 music for motivation

Music pushes me to work harder, and for a longer period of time. I listen to music not only while working out but, also while doing homework because music helps me stay focused. Music has been therapy for me over the years.
Try listening to new music to stay motivated

Ten Therapeutic Characteristics of Music

  • Music captivates and maintains attention—it stimulates and utilizes many parts of the brain.
  • Music is easily adapted to, and can be reflective of, a person's abilities.
  • Music structures time in a way that we can understand (“that's the last verse—my exercise session is almost over!”).
  • Music provides a meaningful, enjoyable context for repetition.
  • Music provides a social context—it sets up a safe, structured setting for verbal and nonverbal communication.
  • Music is an effective memory aid.
  • Music supports and encourages movement.
  • Music taps into memories and emotions.
  • Music—and the silences within it—provides nonverbal, immediate feedback.
  • Music is success-oriented: people of all ability levels can participate.

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