Friday, December 25, 2009

blog #48: bleeding, bruising and ass kicking with mauy thai

Last Tuesday at 430pm I agreed to take a Muay Thai class with my friend Becca at Hype gym.

this class was lead by Darrly the creator of Meridian Touch
The class was awesome!  I left class bleeding, sweating and partially bruised, but I had a great workout and (almost) the whole time I was smiling! 

It was a small class consisting of my friend Becca, me and this huge man with multiple tattoos named Bruno. Darryl set the tone by playing metal music to keep our motivation level high which worked. 

We did:
cardio interval drills 
contact drills 
Push ups and partner clap push ups
squats on our toes
leap frogs 
sliding plank exercises (shown below)
We partnered up for contact punches and kicks while alternating the drills listed above.
In martial arts there are two forms: hard and soft. Soft form
soft forms philosophy is derived from pure yin and it tends to yield force where Hard technique meets force with force, either by directly blocking the technique with a head-on force or by cutting through at an angle with one's own force. 

so what is mauy thai?
mauy thai is a form of HARD martial arts. 

  • Muay Thai practitioners calcify their shins in order to hit harder, overpower blocking techniques, check incoming kicks, and attempt to break the bones of their opponents. 
  • Muay Thai is referred to as the "Art of Eight Limbs" because it makes use of punches, kicks, elbows and knee strikes, thus using eight "points of contact", as opposed to "two points" (fists) in Western boxing and "four points" (hands and feet) used in sport-oriented martial arts.

Darryl started the class with a ritual which was to stand in a line and bow followed by taking a boxer stance with your guards up. We ended class with this same quick practice. This ritual reminded me of traditional yoga classes which start with an om or a chant, and end with shavasana (shown below.) I respect practices that are spiritually bound, and i recognize the deep roots within this martial arts practice. 

so now you try! You don't have to be a member to check this class out. Call hype for details 

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