Monday, August 9, 2010

blog #95 Why I love the treadmill

While I love running outside, the treadmill is in a consistent environment. You can’t make weather excuses for skipping a workout with the treadmill. And some treadmills even have TVs for entertainment distraction.

Unlike outside where the terrain can be different, the treadmill is always a soft band that your shoes (and knees) are familiar with.

You set the pace (fast or slow) and incline (steep or just one percent). Outside you can do stadium runs up and down stairs (my favorite) or flat-land runs, but the treadmill allows you to manipulate a multi-faceted training approach all in one machine without scheduling a creative trail run.

Cross training-
The treadmill isn’t just for weight loss. If you utilize all functionalities of the treadmill, you can burn fat, but you can also preserve muscle (by walking/brisk jogging at an incline). One of my favorite ways to use the treadmill is with circuit training. I have some of my clients use the treadmill for a couple minutes then alternate to other exercises to keep heart rates up, which builds endurance.

Beginner plan for utilizing the treadmill in a circuit (an example):

  •       Plank for 30 to 60 seconds
  •       Slow squats with body weight for 1.5 minutes
  •       Push ups on toes until body fails, then on knees for 1.5 minutes
  •       2 minutes of brisk walking (3.8 to 4.0 MPH) on eight percent incline
  •    1 minute of jogging on one-percent incline at 6.5 MPH


      Unknown said...

      This seems like an awesome circuit! I'm going to try it tonight and see how it goes.

      Treadmill Guy said...

      Great work on the treadmill. I often train on the treadmill using similar techniques. Most of what I do is circuit training. The treadmill allows me to stay in the idea heart rate zone without going over.

      Treadmill Guy