Friday, August 6, 2010

blog #94 trend on the rise: baby food diet for adults?!

check out this video

While doing some of my usual food/health and nutrition research, I came across this video and felt compelled to post about it. 

The baby food diet is said to be created by celebrity trainer Tracy Anderson. The diet involves eating 14
servings of baby food a day followed by a healthy adult dinner. "I developed a cleanse where you can still eat and it's a lot of puree foods. I was very careful about the foods I chose to put in it," Tracy told.

A 6 oz jar labeled 'Third-Stage Foods' contains:

Calories 110, 

Fat 0g, 

Total Carb 25g
, Fiber 2g, 
Sugars 15g

, Protein 1g
I have heard of ...

"The Baby Food Diet is likely to inspire some good chuckles and grimaces as its popularity grows. From a nutritional perspective, the diet is clearly packed with veggies and fruits and thereby full of vitamins and minerals; and it does have the portion control element going for it too. As for its long-term ability to keep off any lost pounds? That still remains to be seen."

Want more info?  check this out

So How do you reach your goals the right way?

Follow a healthy lifestyle and document what you eat. I know it’s a pain to keep track of, but it really makes you aware of what foods might be sabotaging your weight loss. I heard a dietitian say on the Tyra Banks show a few months back say: 

"If you bite it; write it."

I like that. Catchy. I recommend keeping a digital log. Why not try a smartphone application? Check out my blog post about smartphone apps that help you manage your calorie consumption.

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