Friday, May 28, 2010

blog #82 What do you put on your salad?

A salad is a salad, right? That means that it’s healthy if there is some green? NO NO NO!

pick veggies that:
  • have high water content
  • have low calorie count
  • are nutrient dense
  • have high satiety factor (will fill you up)
  • add color and variety!!

Ideas: broccoli, cucumber, tomato, spinach, romaine lettuce, fresh herbs, citrus, celery.

Keep to a minimum (or avoid): cheese, dry fruit, croutons, bacon bits, breaded chicken

Balance your salad by adding:
·         Omega 3-rich  foods like canned tuna (skip the mayo!) or salmon
·         Beans or legumes
·         Nuts: walnuts can be a nice addition to a salad, but remember to measure your portions. Use nuts as a condiment not the main portion.

I got this salad at Trader Joe's last week (and loved it!) Remember to read the label, add dressing per bite or just sparingly, and add variety.


Unknown said...

LOVE SALAD!! But hate when I see people at the salad bar with a plate full of iceberg lettuce, covered in cheese, layered with bacon and smothered with dressing with half the box of croutons spilling over the plate... and the sad part is that they think they are eating healthy. Libby... people everywhere are ruining the healthy, fresh goodness of salad.

Thank you for reiterating the message about what are good and bad salad choices. I've begun limiting cheese to a small tablespoon and started experimenting with better, homemade dressings with the good oil such as olive and sesame, mixed with fresh citrus juice, tahini or balsamic vinegar.

Save the salads!

nancy said...

I love making salads with about five different vegetables added into the greens. I think I do what you are talking about which lets me know I am on the right track, nutritionally! When I add broccoli or cauliflower, I dice it all up into little tiny pieces so it is more like a tasteless but crunchy addition, minus the rather bitter flavor these vegetables can impart. Then, I don't feel the need to add cheese to balance out the tart vegetable taste. It works for me and I know I have a really "nutritionally dense" meal like you are suggesting! NSR