Monday, May 31, 2010

blog #83 My calves hurt

A couple weeks ago, my calves were burning up like crazy from running and jumping a bit more then usual. I was in so much pain and it seemed like no matter what I did, I was debilitated. I decided to reach out to my community and ask people what to do. I collected some tips and have categorized them into both free/cheap and non-free tips/tricks.

While stretching your calves can be a good way to elongate the muscles, it is somewhat limiting because self-stretching will only hit the superficial (or outside portion) of the muscle. To hit the deep muscles, you need to be more creative.

I asked a massage therapist and she said that the “tennis ball approach” is a good way to alleviate tension (but it can hurt!). Foam rolling is good, too, as well as getting professional massages.

check out the "tennis ball approach"

Tennis ball approach
Calf stretches
Downward-facing dog
Soak calves in warm water for 15 minutes
Professional massage (my fave option)
Foam rolling (most foam rollers start at about $20 dollars, and most gyms have them)
A heating pad or hot water bottle

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