Saturday, May 15, 2010

blog #79 What type of gloves do I need to protect my hands?

To follow up with my previous post about workout gloves, I’d like to add that there are many types of gloves that can protect your hands and fingers while working out. 

Some of the options that I have seen include: velcro, slip-on, zipper, and seven tabs near the fingertips for easy removal.

Did you know that workout gloves are washable?
I used to wear the slip-on type, but I found them irritating to remove. I now prefer velcro gloves, but actually I don’t wear them at all because I can’t seem to remember them when I go to the gym.

I like grizzly pads, which you can use for pull-ups and heavy deadlifts. Straps are another alternative to gloves, but straps serve a different function, which is to strengthen you grip. (Gloves protect, straps help strengthen, and grizzly pads can be used either way.)

With that said, do any of my readers have favorite workout gloves that they wish to share?

Gloves for protecting hands:

Grizzly grip pads for grip strengthening:

Lifting straps to improve strength:

In closing:
  • gloves protect your hands
  • grizzly pads may help you grip more, but also strengthen your grip
  • straps: strengthen your grip
What if you want a stronger grip?  You should use no gloves (if you don’t care about calluses).

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