Tuesday, April 27, 2010

blog #73: worst beverage ideas from TIME

I came across this cool slideshow on TIME.com called "Top 10 Bad Beverage Ideas."

Can you believe that there are beverages flavored like Thanksgiving foods such as green beans? I've seen Jones Soda before during my first few years of college. I was first introduced to this soda when I learned that people can submit artwork to be placed as the label, which I think is creative and artistic, but now the flavors are main courses for holiday meals? GROSS!!

I had to learn more about this idea so I went to their website, which promotes their "holiday pack." 
"This pack contained five new seasonal flavors which included: Green Bean Casserole Soda, Mashed Potato & Butter Soda, Fruitcake Soda, Cranberry Soda, and Turkey & Gravy Soda." 

If food-flavored soda sounds too gross, just wait until September for an unusually weird drink for those obsessed with vampires called Tru Blood Soda. Apparently, it will taste "slightly tart and lightly sweet."
You can actually vote for whatever order you think is best after you navigate the slideshow

Personally, I’d rather actually eat food than drink the flavored carbonated form of it, but what about you, my readers? 

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Lol! Wow... just when I thought soda couldn't get any worse. I can kinda see where they are coming from but I would much rather enjoy my Thanksgiving meal hot-n-steamy from an overfilled plate rather than a fizzy glass bottle. Props for the creativity though. Maybe I'll buy one and give some feedback ;)