Monday, April 26, 2010

blog #72: Breakfast ideas: how to get your oats in

I hear it all the time: “I don’t eat breakfast.” I’m always shocked. No breakfast?

It is imperative to start the day off well-fed, with a balanced meal of complex carbohydrates and protein like oatmeal with nuts and fruit. I like old-fashioned (not instant) oats, or steel-cut oats, which I make at home. Oats don’t take long to make, but if you have to purchase oats on-the-go, I recommend:

#1. Jamba Juice oats with banana (but not the blackberry or apple, because these processed fruits are syrup-based, which contain a great amount of processed sugar.)

Good: All are slow-cooked, steel-cut oats (higher in protein). Choose banana, which is made with fresh fruit.
Bad: Syrup versions.They range from 300-340 calories and have no fresh fruit. The syrup version isn't TERRIBLE but sliced bananas is a better option (and only 280 calories.)

#2. Starbucks’ “perfect oatmeal”
I hardly think that Starbucks’ oatmeal is perfect. Starbucks oats are instant, which means that there is a higher level of processing as opposed to steel-cut or slow-cooked oats.

Good: The oatmeal comes with 100 calorie packs of nuts, dried fruit, and brown sugar so that you can individualize your meal.
Bad: It’s processed, instant oats.
I recommend to only use one packet of your choice and then save the other packets for snacks later! (Distribute your calories!!)

#3 Buy grocery-store instant oatmeal
If you bring a packet of oats to work with you, all that you need is a bowl and water to make your own oatmeal.

Good: Cheap and portable. You can customize your bowl with fresh fruit.
Bad: You need to have access to a microwave or hot water and a bowl (plan ahead: you can do it!). It’s also still processed oats.

jamba juice syrup version:


Unknown said...
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Unknown said...

I noticed that Jamba served oatmeal and was really excited but haven't had a chance to take advantage if it. At least now when I do indulge next time I won't be as tempted by the sugary blackberry syrup, and face it, bananas and oatmeal are the best. I learned that from you a while ago! You know your oats girl.

Libby said...

Thanks for the feedback jess!