Monday, February 15, 2010

blog #59: spend less money to eat healthier with Luscious Organics

I have been volunteering with Luscious Organics for a few months now, and I highly recommend this personal chef service.


"Sobel Wellness is pleased to announce a natural foods personal chef service, Luscious Organics Weekly meals.  Contact Meredith to find out more. All personal chef cooking services take place in your home in 3-4 hour blocks. We offer from 7-19 meals. Allow us to customize a weekly plan for you that makes sense. Standard weekly fees are billed monthly. Food is charged extra to a credit card on file through Fresh Direct or other similar organic/local services. Once or twice weekly cooking sessions available depending on preference."

Meredith Sobel is the founder and director of Luscious Organics. She is finishing her third degree at Columbia University in the Nutrition Education program, which will culminate in a Master of Science degree and eligibility for the Registered Dietitian exam and licensing. Meredith is also a blogger, so I encourage my readers to check out both her site and services. She's a pleasure to work with and I have learned so much from her in the kitchen, about managing my business, about nutrition/wellness, and so much more.

My duties:
As a volunteer for Meredith, I act as a "prep girl" and help with chopping veggies, etc. for her in her clients’ homes. Meredith has not only shown me how to make unique, healthy dishes extremely palatable and creative, but she has also shown me how using less salt can still yield delicious meals.

Meredith's services are CHEAPER THEN DINING OUT! Give her a try.

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