Monday, February 15, 2010

blog #58: Get your omega 3's without touching fish

Do you ever hear people saying " (fill in the blank) yields (fill in the blank benefit)?" For example flax seed lower cholesterol. Do you wonder why or how it does this?

In my Medical Nutrition class this past week we were studying Omega 3 Fatty acids. You may recall that tuna and salmon are good sources of Omega 3 fatty acids, but there are many vegetarian options that yield the same benefits. 

Vegetarian options of Omega 3 fatty acids are:
Flax seed oil
Evening Primrose Oil
Borage Seed oil

Flax seed oil is considered a "special type of fat"

flax seed benefits:
}Cardiovascular disease
}Menopause symptoms
}Cancer Prevention
}macular degeneration
}wound healing
}hemodialysis patients 

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