Sunday, January 31, 2010

blog #56: Yoga teacher training in India

My friend Becca is leaving for her trip to India the 10th where she will live in an ashram and practice/learn yoga all day long for 6 weeks with Yoga Point teacher training.

why? Upon completion Becca will be certified in yoga education
where? Vishaw Yoga Darshan (situated in the mountain range of Sahyadri)
what will they feed her? pure vegetarian food is served in accordance with yogi lifestyle. 

  • In addition to learning about meditation and principals of yoga Becca will learn more about Ayurveda (the Indian traditional science of healthy lifestyle and herbs)

I read on the website that complete silence is maintained in the dining room during meals. The "Eating Guidelines" clearly state that talking while eating is forbidden. 
here is the daily schedule of Becca while she is in India:

05:00 am Wakeup Time
05.45 am to 06.00 am Mantra Chanting
06.00 am to 08.00 am Yoga Practice (Asana & Pranayama)
08:00 am to 09:00 am Karma Yoga (Selfless Service)
09:00 am to 09:30 am Breakfast / Snacks
10:00 am to 10:45 am Yoga Nidra / Theory lecture I
11:15 am to 12:00 pm Theory lecture II
12:15 am to 01:00 pm LUNCH
01:00 pm to 03:00 pm Resting Time (Self Study)
03:00 pm to 03:15 pm Herbal Drink
03:15 pm to 04:00 pm Theory Lecture III
04:30 pm to 06:30 pm Yoga Practice (Asana & Pranayama)
06:30 pm to 07:15 pm Free time
07.30 pm to 08:00 pm DINNER
08:15 pm to 09:00 pm Sanskrit Training / Meditation / Yoga Songs (Bhajans) / Group Discussions / Question Answer sessions / Satsangs.
10:00 pm Bed Time

I can't wait to pick her brain when she comes back!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...


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