Friday, January 22, 2010

blog #54 balance your diet: lose weight with the Ayurveda practice

Ayurveda is known as Alternative Medicine here in USA and other parts of the world
Ayurveda focuses more on healthy living than treatment of diseases.
Ayurveda Concepts
The word 'Ayur' means life, while 'Veda' means Science.

This practice is a 5000 year old approach to health based from India.

four taste 'primaries', referred to as the basic tastes:
sweetness, bitterness, sournessand saltiness and umami (which is described as savory from meat, cheese and mushrooms.)

In Ayurveda, foods are classified into six tastes -
sweet, sour, salty, bitter, pungent and astringent.

According to Ayurveda, when we are in balance, we automatically desire foods that are good for us. Wow that sounds like a great way to maintain or lose weight!

 I subscribe to Yoga Journal which regularly prints articles relating to this wholistic practice based from India. Check out their articles to learn more about the connection of Ayurveda and yoga.
Yoga Journal: yoga poses, yoga video, yoga articles, yoga studios and teachers

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