Sunday, October 25, 2009

blog #19 theme 1-fitness classes:clear your mind with restorative yoga

Restorative Yoga is designed to relieve stress; this is a very slow and relaxing kind of Yoga. I have attended restorative yoga three times now, and each class was a bit different in execution, but similar in the end result which was complete relaxation.

Traditional yoga classes begin with active poses and conclude with a brief restorative pose like shavasana, (see blog #15) but restorative yoga is a therapeutic style of practice that utilizes multiple props to provide an environment of support like blocks, bolsters, blankets and even eye coverings.

state of mind:

Relaxation is a state in which there is no movement, no effort, and the brain is quiet. The hardest part for me in this style of practice is to not think. I have to work so hard to not let my mind wander.


Restorative yoga is typically only offered at a yoga studio

Classical music or relaxation music is typically played quietly

lights are dimmed

room is warm

your eyes are closed

Typically restorative poses are sustained for ten minutes.

why practice this type of yoga?

The antidote to stress is relaxation.

focus on breathing

personally this type of practice is very challenging for me mentally, and afterwards my mind feels cleared

who started this?

The development of these poses is credited to B.K.S. Iyengar, of Pune, India. Author of the contemporary classic Light on Yoga and numerous other books

here is an example of a pose:

supported childs pose: typically held anywhere from 5-12 minutes (you would switch and face both sides)


Unknown said...

This seems so different from the Yoga classes I'm used to where poses are held for at most a couple minutes but the discipline needed for Restorative Yoga would be really helpful in many aspects of my life. I'll have to look up some of these classes in Tucson!

Libby said...

yes you should! its so rewarding!