Monday, February 7, 2011

blog #111 Swap this for that and save some calories

While interning for Keri Gans this past week she asked me to help her find some good food swaps to save calories. My favorite swap is something that she often tweets (and I recently tried and love!)

When you eat an occasional bagel (whole wheat of course) ask for hummus opposed to cream cheese. To save on your carb count ask for a scooped bagel and/or only eat half.
 hummus for cream cheese on bagel (one table spoon)
hummus-27 calories, 12 calories in fat
cream cheese-51 calories total and 46 in fat

When eating sushi keep your protein choices lean; therefore no spicy sauce or twice dipped rolled. Stick with salmon, tuna and yellow tail. Dragon rolls (made with eel) have more calories and a higher fat content. (salmon is the good fat omega 3s)

eel for salmon-(3 oz comparison)
ell has high fat where salmon has omega 3 fats
eel-156 calories, 89 calories in fat
salmon 99 calores, 26 from fat

Hungry after lunch and before dinner? Skip a muffin and eat some nuts

banana nut muffin vs. almonds (one oz vs one muffin)
almonds- 163 calories, 126 in fat (good fat source) 6 grams of carbs
banana nut muffin-220 calories, 40 from fat, but 38 grams of carbs
Eat fish a few times a week to keep your calorie count in check:
beef top serloin vs. white fish (one piece)
cod fish-189 calories, 14 from fat
beef-497 calories, 149 from fat


olenka said...

I am curious what you have to say about KIMCHI, a food I basically eat 3 times a day here in korea. It is a fermented cabbage with lots of spices. Koreans love it and think it has near magical powers. I would be interested to get your thoughts!

elizabeth said...

Olenka-I have heard KIMCHI is great but I will do more research! Thanks for reading!