Friday, December 24, 2010

blog #109: Holiday Parties and LOW CALORIE OPTIONS

When going to a holiday party why not bring a vegetable dish? 

While interning with Keri Gans this past month she reminded clients: 

"Christmas Eve is one day" 
"Christmas is only one day"

Eat and enjoy, but stay on track by remembering to balance your meals and drink lots of water. It is so easy to get carried away with food and beverages, but try to focus on the company (not the calories).

I brought this dish to a holiday party and it was a hit! The party was thrilled to see something both green and low calorie to offset the table filled with cheese, chocolate and wine. 

1 comment:

vvvv said...

hello nice the meet you! your blog is great!
I go watching well a blog. Thank you

p.s merry christmas! i m lonely christmas...