Wednesday, June 16, 2010

blog #88 Where am I for the next 10 days? Medical Birthright in Israel

I was accepted for the “Medical Students Mifgash Experiencesponsored in partnership with American Physicians Fellowship for Medicine in Israel, taking place from  June 17-28 2010.

Check out the video

“The American Physicians Fellowship, established in 1950, is a non-profit organization dedicated to advancing the state of medical education, research, and health care in Israel. The ‘Medical Students Mifgash Experience’ pairs American health professionals for all 10 days of the program in Israel. Highlights include participation in field-training exercises, military medic simulations, and opportunities to network with Israeli physicians of all backgrounds. It's a special way to experience Israel and deepen ties with your Israeli colleagues.”

I am excited to visit a new country and meet new people, but I’m mostly excited for the clinical component of this trip because it is specifically aimed at Med/Health students. As an aspirating Registered Dietitian (I graduate with my bachelor in science this fall), I will receive an invaluable experience observing the practices in Israel and then cross-comparing them with the clinical settings here in America. When I return to volunteer at New York Presbyterian hospital in July, I will have a deeper understanding and appreciation of the clinical settings.  


Anonymous said...

aspiring* lol. if u were aspirating, you'd be choking. but congrats! it sounds like an amazing opportunity

Anonymous said...

Can't wait to hear all about it! Don't let those med students push you around ;)