Friday, May 7, 2010

blog #76 Workout gloves and calluses

During training sessions, I mix up pulling, pushing, and squatting exercises, in addition to abdominal work. When the time comes for pulling, clients SOMETIMES complain that their fingers hurt, or they can't grip the bar, machine, dumbell, etc. Exercises that cause particular complains are pull-ups, heavy lat pulldowns, deadlifts, shoulder shrugs, and farmer’s walks. 

Solution: workout gloves

Pulling exercises (especially pull-ups) are hard, but eventually you will get use to pulling and your hands will adapt. If you DON'T use gloves, you will get calluses. 
Wearing gloves preserves your pretty hands.
Not wearing gloves allows your grip to strengthen naturally so that you can lift heavier.

What will you choose? 

If you want to know more about grip and calluses, check out this article from World Fitness Network

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