Friday, February 26, 2010

blog #61: prevent nausia with these dietary recommendations

Recently a client asked me about what to eat when feeling nauseous. I immediately replied...


When she said that she detested ginger, I had to think a bit more critically.

In my "Nutrition and Life Cycle" class, we are learning about the needs of a mother-to-be during pregnancy, and nausea is a big topic of concern. I believe that women who are not pregnant can also follow these guidelines to prevent and ease nausea.

•         Alleviation strategies for nausea:

        Eat desired foods at desired times
        Arise slowly upon awakening
        Eat dry toast or crackers to prevent or alleviate sickness
        Chew gum or hard candies
        Eat small, frequent meals
        Avoid offensive foods
                         Consume carbonated beverages and avoid citrus juice, coffee, tea, water, or milk Eat ginger!


Dental Roseville said...

I think this post is brilliant. I came across your site while trying to find a source for health-related topics that interest me. It's good to see one quality info at once. Looking forward to more of your posts.


Libby said...

thank you SO much!

Jessica Lesson said...

I would definitely like to try ginger as a nausea treatment instead of nasty, chalky Pepto.. how would you recommend eating it so that it's robust flavor is tolerable? I would think a tea of some sort, but how do you brew ginger.. thanks!

Libby said...

excellent questions jess let me do some research and get back to you with a new post to address these ideas. Thank you for your comments and support.