Monday, January 4, 2010

blog 52: Sproutarian ...sprouta-who-ian???

I had no idea what a sproutarian was until I moved into my apartment with my roomates who eat a raw diet. They are both sprout and juicitarians. 

Sproutarian-eats mostly sprouts which are high in antioxidants and nutrients. Sprouts are known to slow the aging process. Different types are: alfalfa, peas, fenugreek, fennel and celery seed. 

juicearian-mainly drinks fresh juice made from organic fruits and vegtables

My roomates harvest sprouts and home, and grow wheat grass.

raw diet= The raw food diet is a diet based on unprocessed and uncooked plant foods, such as fresh fruit and vegetables, sprouts, seeds, nuts, grains, beans, nuts, dried fruit, and seaweed. Usually 75% of the diet must be raw of living. 

Raw Food

The raw diet is very trendy. What have you heard about the Raw Food diet? Check out this clip.

  • nothing is heated over 118 degrees in a raw food diet
  • nothing processed
  • nothing artificial
check out this clip to learn a bit more about Raw Food

check out this blog to learn more about raw food

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I've always wanted to change my diet to be more natural and raw but being so used to pan frying and roasting vegetables for flavor, I find it hard to switch over. I guess a more gradual, 'one side' at a time technique would be more do-able. I'll have to look up some 'raw' recipes to start associating into my diet. Thanks for the info! And btw, I didn't know that fennel was a sprout?! Crazy, I love roasted fennel, guess I'll have to try it un-cooked next time =)