Saturday, November 7, 2009

blog # 31 Theme eating behavior:prevent binge eating for thanksgiving and the holidays

Thanksgiving is around the corner and most of us dont have just one thanksgiving dinner but
3 or 4 and theres always leftovers too!

I have heard from numerous people that "I will just starve myself a few days before thanksgiving or after," but that is BAD NEWS!

Whats my advise? PREVENT BINGE EATING !

what is binge eating actually?
eating, in a discrete period of time, an amount of food that is definitely larger than most people would eat during a similar period of time. Depression and anxiety over the holidays can exacerbate this behavior.

binge eating disorder (BED)
A disorder characterized by the occurance of binge eating episodes at least twice a week for a 6-month period.

how do you stop/control this?:
space out your meals (every three hours)
portion control
avoid temptations
eat breakfast!!!
talk to someone...get some help

When presented with a large amount of food pace yourself and stop when you are full. Read more about bing eating

Friday, November 6, 2009

blog #30 theme: cultural nutrition: spotlight on malnutrition

(PEM) protein-energy malnutrition is the worlds most widespread malnutrition problem, including both marasmus and kwashiorkor and states in which they overlap; also called protein-calorie malnutrition (PCM).

PEM strikes early in childhood in poor countries

Kwashiorkor is "a virulent form of childhood malnutrition characterized by edema, irritability, anorexia, and enlarged fatty liver."

what causes this?
lack of protien
lack of iron
lack of folic acid
lack of iodine
lack of selenium
lack of vitamin C

Marasmus vs. Kwashiorkor:
Marasmus is the calorie-deficiency disease; starvation where Kwashiorkor is a disease related to protein malnutrition, with a set of recognizable symptoms, such as edema.

marasmus: extreem loss of muscle and fat
Kwashiorkor: edema and enlarged liver with swollen belly:

mortality rates by country:
Rank Countries Amount
# 1 South Africa:820 deaths
# 2 Mexico:75 deaths
# 3 Brazil:46 deaths
# 4 Venezuela:13 deaths
= 5 Ecuador:11 deaths
= 5 Peru:11 deaths
# 7 Colombia:10 deaths
# 8 United States:8 deaths
# 9 Egypt:5 deaths
= 10 Nicaragua:3 deaths
= 10 Paraguay:3 deaths
= 12 Belize:2 deaths
= 12 Slovakia:2 deaths
= 14 Lithuania:1 deaths
= 14 Chile:1 deaths
= 14 Spain:1 deaths
= 14 Costa Rica:1 deaths
= 14 Poland:1 deaths
= 14 Czech Republic:1 deaths
= 14 Argentina:1 deaths
= 14 Hungary:1 deaths
= 14 Moldova:1 deaths
= 14 Israel:1 deaths
= 14 Panama:1 deaths
= 14 Japan:1 deaths
= 14 Sweden:1 deaths
Total:1,022 deaths
Weighted average:39.3 deaths

blog #29 Basic yoga moves done anywhere in or out of sequence

Today me and two other girls from my Nutrition Program at school are working in a group to educate some students at campus about health and wellness. This is part of our requirement for our Nutrition Education class.

why do yoga?
almost anyone can do some form of yoga
feels good
can transform your body and mind
help posture/alignment
good way to cross train
improve strength, flexibility, endurance

Tonight I'm teaching a free yoga class at Brookdales Hunter college called "yoga on a towel"

the idea is that yoga doesnt have to be done on a yoga mat or in a yoga can be done anywhere at any time in any sequence.

here are some basic poses that can be done in or out of sequence:


Standing Forward Bend

Ardha Uttanasana
Standing Half Forward Bend

Chaturanga Dandasana
Four-Limbed Staff Pose


Urdhva Mukha Svanasana
Upward-Facing Dog

warrior 2

chair pose:

revolved chair pose:

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

blog # 28 GET WALKING

Walking is for almost EVERYONE

The walking site is a great tool to learn more details about how to get moving.

Did you know that you can burn the same amount of calories if you walk for one hour as you would running for half an hour?

Why walk?

  • Walking is a safe method to burn calories and increase your heart rate while enjoying scenery
  • Walking is safer on the knees and joints then running
  • Brisk walking and incorporating your arms in a pumping fashion burns more calories because you are using more of your body
  • Walking with a friend prevents boredom and can be heartwarming
  • Walking with your ipod can be entertaining and motivating to walk faster or briskly walk or even jog…..
  • mixing walking and running can be a good way to cross train
read about the run/walk plan from Runners world

reach out:

There are walking groups that you can join

online discussion groups

NYC walking group

American Council on Exercise says

A regular walking program can help:

  • Reduce blood cholesterol
  • Lower blood pressure
  • Increase cardiovascular endurance
  • Boost bone strength
  • Burn calories and keep weight down
  • Use the Rating of Perceived Exertion Scale that I blogged about yesterday to see if you are challenging yourself enough during your walk. Have you increased your endurance? STICK WITH IT!

  • are you challenging yourself enough?
  • walking fast enough?
  • mix it up and get excuses!

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

blog #27 theme methods for determining exercise intensity: RPE

The level of perceived exertion is often measured with a 15 category scale that was developed by the Swedish psychologist Gunnar Borg. The Borg scale is shown below:
6 No exertion at all
7 Extremely light
9 Very light
11 Light
13 Somewhat hard
15 Hard (heavy)
19 Extremely hard
20 Maximal Exertion

How do you use this scale:

its based on a 0-10 or 6-20 scale (both shown above) to rate your "feelings of exertion" while exercising

Example: typing at computer=3, walking briskly=3 or 4

Are you familiar with what the rating of percieved exersion scale is?

(aka RPE) is a subjective method to estimate your heart rate while exercising

RPE is "how hard you feel your body is working"

RPE is defined as the easiest way to monitor your intensity

I am certified as a group fitness instructor and personal trainer through American Council on Exercise who says:

"To reap the most cardiovascular benefit from your workout, it is necessary to exercise within a recommended intensity range. In some respects, gauging your exercise intensity can be a difficult task."

What does the scale measure exactly?

increase breathing

increase sweating

muscle fatigue


aerobic activities

anaerobic activities

American College Sports Medicine says:

"The scale is valid in that it generally evidences a linear relation with both heart rate and oxygen uptake during aerobic exercise."

so what does this mean for you and your workout?

this tool helps you:

regulate and monitor intensities while working out

regulate effort and gain maximum benefit from your workouts

Do what number on the scale do you feel during warmup, training and cool down? Are you pushing yourself hard enough?

blog # 26 make your own snack bar (and analyze the nutrition facts too!)

Mudballs are so delicious and EASY TO MAKE:

you dont have to bake anything

They are fast

they are a healthy treat

If you go to Calorie Counts website they will calculate the nutrition facts for this or any recipie (for FREE)

Calorie Count


1/2 cup creamy Natural peanut butter (like skippys)

1/2 cup nonfat powdered milk

1/2 cup honey

3 TBPS of Hershey's cocoa powder

2 tsp pure vanilla

1 tsp of salt

3 cups old fashioned oats

1/2 cup raisins (or mini chocolate chips, or mini m&m's or mini carob chips)

Mix peanut butter, powdered milk and honey.

When a smoothe paste, add cocoa powder, vanilla, salt.

Stir in oats, a cup at a time. It will be thick and sticky.

Be patient.

Lastly, add your raisins / chips / whatever you choose. You may find you don't need the

entire 1/2 cup.

Form into balls and refrigerate.

Don't eat all at once!
Nutrition Facts
Serving Size 101 g
Amount Per Serving
Calories from Fat

* Based on a 2000 calorie diet

Monday, November 2, 2009

blog # 25 more about healthy snacks

Yesturday I ranted about my terrible airplane experience. I mentioned that I BMOS (brought my own snack) which helped me stay on track with my diet and feel good.

I dont just bring healthy snacks on an airplane, i bring snacks EVERYWHERE!

When I say snacks I am not refering to unhealhty processed foods like cheesy poofs:

good snacks to have on hand:

Nuts measure one serving or store in an altoid box which is a pre-set measurement (as pictured.) I like trader Joes pre-portioned nuts which come in single serving.)

Bars luna bars are pretty good, soy joy is ok

Protein bars (ready blog #12 myoplex is good because its low carb, higher protein) I also like pure protein

Dried fruit (not the bag! Bring a 4oz box or measure in a zip lock or tuperwear.)

Fresh fruit bring something that is simple and non-messy like a banana or apple. Grapefruit is messy.

Rice cakes (yum. Low calories/low or no fat)

Whole grain cereals (measure and add nuts or dried fruit for fun.)

Nutrition Facts
Serving Size
Amount Per Serving
Calories from Fat
% Daily Value*
Total Fat
Saturated Fat
Polyunsaturated Fat
Monounsaturated Fat
Total Carbohydrates
Dietary Fiber
Vitamin A 0%Vitamin C 0%
Calcium 0%Iron 1%
* Based on a 2000 calorie diet


Sunday, November 1, 2009

blog #24 terrible travel back home via airplane

Shrieking children, small spaces, and obnoxious people made my return flight from hell today.

Thank god that I had a snack on hand so I didn’t have to eat airplane food. Id rather starve.

November is a popular time of year to travel. Traveling by air can be stressful and shift your appetite, but if you bring along a few portable snacks then your mood will improve.

I try to bring non perishable snacks that fill me up but don’t cause a mess. I like:



protien bars

dried fruit

fresh fruit

rice cakes

I recommend not bringing:

  • Anything smelly
  • Anything that can spill out
  • Anything that requires a fork or spoon (keep it simple)

things that irritated me on the plane ride today:

  • the plane smelled like a swage dump
  • Kids behind me were screaming then crying, and throwing Doritos around
  • Parents were screaming to one another about the distribution of Doritos to their children on board
At least I had some wholesome snacks to keep my sanity.